HTML to Markdown Converter

To use the HTML to Markdown converter, simply paste or type your HTML data into the left input text editor. As you type, HTML2Markdown converts your HTML on the fly into the Markdown format you can find on the right.

100% Local Processing: Your Data Stays Yours

Rest assured, none of your data is uploaded to the internet. The tool operates entirely within your browser, utilizing secure JavaScript. This means all processing and conversions happen locally on your device, ensuring your information remains private and secure.

Chose your preferred Markdown style

Below the editor you can select your preferred Markdown style. Here is an explanation of the available settings.

Heading Style

Headings in Markdown are created by adding one or more # symbols before your heading text. The number of # symbols you use will determine the level of the heading. For example:

  • # Heading 1 for the largest heading
  • ## Heading 2 for the second largest
  • ### Heading 3 and so on, up to ###### Heading 6.

Setext style headings in Markdown provide a simple and visually clear way to designate text as either a first-level or second-level header without using the # symbols associated with ATX style headings. To create a Setext style heading, you underline the heading text with equal signs (=) for a first-level heading, which is equivalent to an <h1> tag in HTML, or with dashes (-) for a second-level heading, equivalent to an <h2> tag.

Here are practical examples:

First-level heading:

This is an H1

Second-level heading:

This is an H2

It’s important to note that Setext style only allows for these two levels of headings. If you need to create headings for levels three through six, you would use the ATX style, which involves placing # symbols before your heading text.

Horizontal Rule

A horizontal rule is a line that separates sections of text. You can create a horizontal rule by placing three or more hyphens ---, asterisks ***, or underscores ___ on a line by themselves. For example:



Bullets are used to create unordered lists. You can create a bullet by starting a line with a hyphen -, asterisk *, or plus + followed by a space. For example:

- Item 1
* Item 2
+ Item 3

Code Block Style

Code blocks are sections of text that are formatted to display as code. Markdown supports two styles:

  • Indented: Indenting lines by four spaces.
  • Fenced: Enclosing text within triple backticks “` or triple tildes ~~~. You can specify a language identifier for syntax highlighting right after the first set of backticks. For example:
print("Hello, world!")

Emphasis Delimiter

Emphasis (italic text) in Markdown is created by wrapping text in one asterisk * or one underscore _. For example:

  • *italic* or _italic_ renders as italic.

Strong Delimiter

Strong emphasis (bold text) is created by wrapping text in two asterisks ** or two underscores __. For example:

  • **bold** or __bold__ renders as bold.

Links in Markdown can be inlined or referenced:

  • Inlined: The link text is followed by the URL in parentheses. For example: [Google](
  • Referenced: The link text is followed by a reference in square brackets, and the URL is defined elsewhere in the document with the same reference in square brackets. For example:


This is a way to organize links at the bottom of your document to keep the text clean. You give each link a reference label and use that label whenever you need to link to that URL. For example:

This is [an example][example link] reference-style link.

[example link]:

By using these Markdown features, you can effectively format text for readability and emphasis in documents, websites, and other platforms that support Markdown.

Advanced HTML-to-Markdown Converter

This advanced HTML to Markdown parser, supports GitHub Flavoured Markdown and additional formatting options for a comprehensive conversion experience. Specifically, it includes converting of strikethrough elements (<strike>, <s>, and <del>), creating tables, and managing task list items, allowing for a more versatile and complete translation of HTML content into Markdown format.

Convert HTML to Markdown Online

An HTML to Markdown converter is a tool designed to transform HTML (HyperText Markup Language) content into Markdown format. HTML is the standard language used to create and design web pages, featuring various tags to format text, create links, insert images, and more. Markdown, on the other hand, is a lightweight markup language with plain-text formatting syntax that aims to be readable and easily convertible to HTML but is simpler to write and read.

The converter takes the structured content of an HTML document, such as headings, paragraphs, lists, links, and images, and translates it into the corresponding Markdown syntax. For example, an HTML paragraph (<p>) becomes plain text in Markdown, a bold text (<strong> or <b>) is converted to Markdown’s **bold** syntax, and so on.

This process is particularly useful for those who need to migrate content from web pages to platforms that support or require Markdown, or for users who prefer the simplicity and readability of Markdown for documentation, note-taking, or content creation. It simplifies the task of manually converting complex HTML structures into Markdown, saving time and ensuring the consistency of the formatting.

Creating Content with AI and ChatGPT: The Essential Role of HTML to Markdown Conversion

When crafting texts with the help of artificial intelligence, I find the HTML to Markdown converter absolutely essential.

But why, you might wonder?

To guide the AI, including ChatGPT or Bard, I provide two to three sample texts. This approach helps set the direction for the newly generated content. Initially, I extract these template texts, ending up with an overly complex HTML code that tends to confuse the AI.

This is where the magic of the HTML-to-Markdown converter comes in, seamlessly transforming HTML into easily readable Markdown.

Consider the following SuperPrompt example:

Craft an article on "Topic" using Markdown format. Below, I've included <examples> of other articles containing some necessary information. Draw inspiration from these examples for the new article.

Always use English and address the reader in the second person singular. Maintain a tone that is both friendly and professional.

# Example text 1

# Example text 2

Exploring the Versatile Applications of HTML to Markdown Conversion

HTML to Markdown converters can be incredibly useful for a wide range of applications. Here are 10 purposes for which such a converter can be particularly beneficial:

HTML to Markdown converter
HTML to Markdown converter
  1. Content Migration: Facilitates the transfer of content from websites (HTML) to platforms that support Markdown, such as GitHub, Reddit, or Jekyll-based blogs, ensuring that the formatting remains consistent.
  2. Documentation: Helps in remodeling online documentation written in HTML into Markdown format, making it easier to manage and version control documentation, especially on platforms that prefer Markdown.
  3. Educational Material: Enables educators and online course creators to easily convert their HTML-based learning materials into Markdown format, which is simpler to edit and share on various educational platforms.
  4. Blogging: Bloggers who prefer writing in a simple Markdown editor can use the converter to easily transition their work from HTML templates to Markdown, making the editing process more straightforward.
  5. Emails to Documentation: Transforms HTML emails to Markdown format, allowing for easier incorporation of email content into project documentation or reports.
  6. Content Backup: Offers a way to back up web content in Markdown format, which is more compact and readable in plain text form, preserving the structural elements without the complexity of HTML tags.
  7. Web Development: Developers can quickly draft content in Markdown and convert it to HTML for web pages, or vice versa, streamlining content updates and maintenance.
  8. Publishing: Publishers can convert HTML manuscripts to Markdown for easier editing and formatting before publishing them on platforms that support Markdown.
  9. Note-taking and Knowledge Bases: Facilitates the conversion of online research and articles into Markdown format for inclusion in personal or collaborative knowledge bases, making information easier to organize and search.
  10. Technical Writing: Technical writers can translate complex HTML documentation into Markdown to simplify the editing process and improve the readability of technical documents, especially when collaborating with developers who prefer Markdown for README files and documentation.

These uses highlight the versatility of HTML to Markdown converters in streamlining content creation, management, and conversion across various digital platforms and contexts.

➽ To the HTML table to Markdown Converter

➽ To the Markdown to HTML Converter

For this tool, I have used the best Markdown converter: turndown